Hyperdash - Machine Learning!

Hyperdash is a machine learning monitoring platform built for data scientists. Track the status of your training with real-time alerts and stream console logs from your machine to any device. Watch the status of your training in real-time Track full console logs for each training run, past and present See stack traces if the run fails Easily contact the developers via text to fix bugs or add featuresLearn more at hyperdash.io Hyperdashs open-source Python SDK: Supports all python 2.7 and 3.x machine learning libraries, including Keras, Tensorflow, Theano, PyTorch, and more Works with both cloud instances and local machines (you can even use both at the same time ) Security and privacy are paramount to us - your data set never touches our servers How To Guide Download our Python SDK (supports 2.7 & 3.x) using pip and signup from the command line:$ pip install hyperdash && hyperdash signupTry a test run:$ hyperdash demoThen use the same email and password to log in to the iPhone app and view your demo run in real-time Follow the examples and documentation on our website and GitHub page to add Hyperdash to your machine learning project.