Hue Color LED-light BioFeedback via Bluetooth LE Heartrate monitor!

Must have gadget from the HMB | TEC future app factoryThis app has enormous potential for innovation, because you can visualize your heart rate and achieved to BioFeedback relaxation system. Necessary condition for the operation of this app is feature- IPhone or iPad with Bluetooth LE 4.0 (from 4S or from iPad 3, iPad Mini)- Philips Hue (TM) LED Bulb Set- Bluetooth 4.0 pulse strap, bracelet or ear clips, eg HMB | TEC BLE HR MonitorBased on the wireless radio systems Bluetooth, WiFi and Zigbee now HMB | TEC managed a breakthrough combination to visualize body signals by hue lights. For some people it can cause epileptic seizures when exposed to certain frequencies of light, flickering lights or geometric shapes and patterns.