GitDrive - Git client & server!

The repository pushed from your PC to GitDrive will be automatically synced to iCloud. As a result, it turns the iOS device already in the palm of your hand into a Git-enabled mobile hard drive GitDrive also has powerful Git client functionality; whether you need to trace file versions, view branches and tags, or apply syntax coloring to source code; from viewing Markdown files, to checking PDF, Word, or the various types of image and audio-video files; it can get the job done Main Features:- Powerful Git Server supports Git Smart transfer protocol; supports access by 5-10 users concurrently (using iPad will increase concurrent user accessibility).- Support for repository-based user authorization control.- Shallow updates and cloning operations for the repository.- Repository management; every repository update operation will be controlled by transaction; if the operation is interrupted, all data will be immediately rolled back, or automatically rolled back when App is re-started, reliable and dependable - iCloud repository syncing; no need to worry about data loss, because all repositories are backed up on the cloud - Graphical commit record; all branches are available at a glance.- High-speed syntax coloring engine; supports syntax coloring for over 100 programming languages; will be updated periodically.- GitHub integration; simple to search and clone GitHub repositories. Finder is located in the finder directory, part of the Tutorial that is included with the App.