Fraction Drills Free!

Having problems learning to work with fractions? Or just want a refresher? * convert fraction to mixed number (e.g. 3/2 is the same as 1 1/2)* convert mixed number to fraction (rewrite 1 1/2 as 3/2).Level 2:* add and subtract (same denominator, e.g. 1/6+2/6)* multiply and divide by whole numbers (e.g. 2/5*2)* Invert, and answer with a fraction (e.g. 1 / (2/5) = 5/2 )Level 3* Multiply and divide fractions* Invert, and answer with a mixed number (e.g. 1/ (2/5) = 2 1/2)* Find the least common denominator (e.g., given 1/4 and 5/6, LCD is 12)* Add and subtract fractions