Finance: Manage your Finance and Shopping List!

MANAGE YOUR MONEY WITH EASYFinance, now with Shopping Lists Now it is easier to control your financial resources with Finances newest feature, which allows you to control your daily Shopping Lists (Supermarket, Bakery), medium and long-term (Furniture, Repairs in Residence) and dreams (Travel, Car, Real Estate).All this in a very easy and practical way so that you have the prices on hand to be able to buy better and better. Finance allows you to easily manage your money, so you can see where your money is coming from and where youre spending. Categories can be built in several levels; Cost Centers can be built in several levels; You can create accounts in several currencies; just add a country and its currency symbol; Transfer funds between accounts; You can secure your data by using Password Lock build-in the App; Cashflow analysis; Manage Monthly Income and Expense and easily build your budget; Performance Index; Backup your data via Wi-Fi;