Extreme AdBlocker - Stop ads like magic! remove banners, block popups. Safari loads content faster!!

Ad blocking solution for iOS - iPhone, and iPad Works for text ads, video ads, banner ads and popups No in-app purchases, no subscription. Simple one time payment Easy setup in less than 1 minute - including a detailed tutorialExtreme AdBlocker allows you to block online content. For Example:- Easily whitelist sites that you want to see ads on- Block resources by url filtering, resource type, and load type- Block a resource, block its cookies, or hide elements on a page with CSS- Share and download public blockers from the community#NEW - Ad-Blocker-Filter Live-Update- blocks banner & pop-ups ads- blocks YouTube- & other Video Ads- blocks layer ads- blocks redirections to free AppStore apps - blocks redirections to xxx web sites- blocks ringtone subscription traps