
Evisense, a revolutionary tool for schools that will store and showcase events from a childs time in education. Evisense will be used to record a pupils achievenemts and progress through photos, videos, audio and documents. The list below highlights some of the security and safe guarding precautions we have taken:Software-All media files are encrypted in storage-Media removal from mobile devices on successful upload-Media encrypted on mobile device inside Evisense app when awaiting upload-Prevention of access to mobile device gallery from Evisense app-Prevention of access to Evisense device gallery from mobile device gallery-Media view counts implemented-Media download counts implemented-Child protection list prevents sharing of evidence containing protected students-Mobile device authorization-Reporting of inappropriate posts resulting in immediate removal-Reviewing of reported posts with actions to take Hardware/Infrastructure-Encrypted connections between browser and server-Encrypted connections between mobile apps and server- All servers owned by B Squared Ltd-Server access restrictions-Least permissions applied-Server access auditing and active monitoring in place-Hard disk encryption