Embiggen Magnifying Glass plus Mirror & Flashlight!

Mostly, Embiggen is the perfect solution for reading the small text on a menu in a dark restaurant but its really three useful apps in one that every iPhone owner should have:MAGNIFYING GLASS The iPhones high-resolution camera provides a crisp, clear view of tiny text or that freckle you didnt notice until just now Fully adjustable zooming to get as close as you need Turn on the light to make subjects bright any time, anywhereFLASHLIGHT The brightest source of illumination your device is capable of producing at the touch of a button Strobe and SOS pattern flashing for serious emergencies or just for grabbing attention in a crowd The option to switch to a white screen or to use both the screen and the ultra-bright camera flash for omnidirectional useMIRROR Quick access to the live feed from your self-facing camera to see what everyone else can see Fully adjustable zooming to get a closer look A handy light allows you take a look even in pitch dark conditionsContinued use of the phones flash as a light source may dramatically decrease battery life. Made in U.S.A.Bearded Pony, LLC headquarters and operations are located in Austin, Texas.