Discourses of Brigham Young - LDS Doctrinal Classics Collection!

The LDS Doctrinal Classics Collection brings you: Discourses of Brigham Young by Brigham Young & John A. Widstoe. Contents Preface The Gospel Defined The Godhead The Communication Between God and Man Pre-Existence; the Plan of Salvation Free Agency The Power of Evil The Law of Eternal Progression The Destiny of Man Dispensations of the Gospel The Last Days The Scriptures The Priesthood The First Principles of the Gospel The Sabbath; Meetings; the Sacrament Tithing; the United Order The Word of Wisdom The Family Some Womanly Duties Obedience Gratitude, Humility, Devotion, Liberality, Honesty Happiness and Social Enjoyments Education Self-Control Our Fellow Men Unity and Co-Operation Thrift and Industry Wealth Missionary Work Visions, Mysteries and Miracles Trials and Persecution Political Government Death and Resurrection The Spirit World Eternal Judgment Salvation Temples and Salvation for the Dead Mans Search for Truth and Salvation The Testimony of the Truth The Church and Kingdom of God on Earth Some Effects of the Gospel Joseph Smith The Settlement in the WestPart of the LDS Doctrinal Classics 40 Book Collection A Unique Collection of LDS Doctrinal and Historical Books written by Early Church Leaders and Scholars. Enjoy