Delight Games (Full Library)!

Delight Games Premium Library includes 40+ interactive novels, with more titles being added all the time With this download there are a lot of free full books to try. When you want access to more, you can either purchase the individual books youre interested in for a small fee, or for the best deal choose the one-time in app purchase for premium access and youll have full access to every title in this library. Immerse yourself in new worlds If you like interactive fiction or just want to try something different from the typical soul-sucking mobile games, this is the ULTIMATE download for you Current novels included: 2 chapters of Oregon Trail Monster Myths 1: Bigfoot 6 Volumes of Wizards Choice 7 Volumes of Rogues Choice 10 Volumes of Zombie High 4 Volumes of Detectives Choice 2 Volumes of Bionic Bikini 7 Volumes of Witch Saga The Deep Space Huntress stand-alone novel Pirates Never Die stand-alone novel Super Heros Choice stand-alone novel Apprentice Musketeers Ghost Hunter: JJ Jonesand more to come