Deal Finder - Find The Best Deal!

Simply the best way to save money Shop intelligently with Deal Finder Have you ever bought something, but realized later that another store had a better price?Have you ever spent hours looking for a deal, just so you could buy your favorite product?No more Deal Finder checks every store intelligently, at the click of a button, to make sure you find the best deal from anywhere You are guaranteed to save money on anything you could buy: Flat Screen Tvs, Laptops, Phones, Video Games, Shoes, Furniture, Cars, Household Items, or anything else you could shop for at 30, 40 or maybe even 50% off You will never miss a deal Features include:-Finding a deal in less than 10 seconds-Searching for any product-Comparing multiple deals at once-Saving deals for later-Keeping track of recently viewed deals-Sending a deal to a friend-Copying a deal so you can view it elsewhere-Opening a deal on the companys official website-Filtering deals by what store they are from-Filtering deals by your price range-Narrowing your search to find exactly what you wantCurrently Supported Stores: Walmart, Google Shopping, Amazon, Ebay, Newegg, Best Buy, Target, Kmart, Sears, Kohls, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, Dicks Sporting Goods, Wayfair, IKEA, Costco, Sams Club, more to be added soon