Daily Stocks (ms)!

The Most Advanced Stock Analysis App Ever Built First month is on us (You wont get auto charged after your access to Pro features expires)Daily Stocks Pro is an advanced stock analysis tool that filters the entire stock market and identifies those stocks showing the greatest potential for profit. Daily Stocks Pro can help you capture the big moves in the market.APP SECTIONS STOCK SCANS: Lists stocks that meet popular technical conditions.- JAPANESE CANDLESTICKS: Lists the most important candlestick patterns.- REVERSALS: Lists potential stock reversals.FEATURESREAL-TIME SCANS- Scans the entire stock market in Real-Time- Provides Fibonacci indicator in Real-TimeSTREAMING REAL-TIME CHARTS- 48 technical indicators with customizable parameters- Intraday (3, 5, 15, 30 and 60 min), daily, weekly and monthly time-frames- Full page view with swipe feature- Auto drawn Fibonacci LinesSTREAMING REAL-TIME QUOTES- Streaming quotes for all US stocks- Fast downloads- Price alertsWATCHLIST- Signals for the stocks that you follow- Synced with your other missinSTEP apps and devices- Unlimited number of stocks- Unlimited number of watchlists- Price and volume filtersDISCUSSION PAGE- Collaborate with like-minded traders and make better decisions- Discover what stocks everyone is talking aboutSTOCK SPECIFIC PAGES- Live coverage of stock news from trusted sources- Financial highlights and key ratiosMARKET PULSE- Our popular market direction forecast- Futures and market indices- Market momentum indicators- Live coverage of market news from trusted sources