Color Vision Test Pro!

#1 Advanced medical app for testing color blindness#1 Tool for color blind people#1 Colorblindness simulatorFEATURESColor blindness testDaltonic simulatorColourblind helper Visualizations:- Optical illusions- Stereograms- StereopairsTips and helping infoHow well do you see colors?Do you need a tool that will help you determine a colour with the help of an iPhone camera?Do want to show people how you see the world?Use the camera on your device to pick, detect and recognize colors in HEX and RGBTest your ability to see coloursTry out unique achromate simulationTrain your eyes with stereograms and visualisationsFind out interesting facts and tips concerning eyesCOMMENTSThis is a cool perfect way to test your visionLove it because I always wanted to be an eye doctor (ophthalmologist or optometrist)Fun and easy to use Informative and smartStarted from test, now using it every day for my work - I am designer and visually impaired. Helps me to define colors in HEX and RGBAwesome way to find out if you are colorblind