ClanPlay: Chat for Clash!

Become the best Clash Royale player with access to constantly updating chest cycle prediction Find tournaments, recruit and reach the experts for advice on your deck and strategy in the public chat rooms Amaze your friends and clan leaders with your Clash Royale stats when you link your CR account; Allowing you a quick and comfortable way to track your trophies crown wins, donation, tournament stats and more This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. For more information see Supercells Fan Content Policy: your friends and meet new ones as you become the ultimate Clasher Lead your clan to victory and rule the leaderboards with advanced features and outstanding Clash Royale tools, that will take your gaming to the next level Link all of your Clash of Clans and Clash Royale accounts and chat with your friends using your in-game name. Download ClanPlay today, win Clan Wars and complete clan chests together and let all other clans eat your dust