Christmas Kitties Sticker Pack!

Get in the Christmas spirit with the Christmas Kitties Sticker Pack These fun-loving kitties will help you celebrate any kind of Christmas whether you like to spend yours caroling, wearing ugly Christmas sweaters, catching snowflakes on your tongue, or just waiting for Santa, these friendly felines will help you celebrate all season long. This ANIMATED pack features the following: * Santa Kitty * Snuggling Kitties * Reindeer Kitty * Ugly Christmas Sweater Kitty * Elf Kitty working on a block * Caroling Kitties * Ready to pounce on those ornaments Kitty * Candy Cane Kitty * Too much eggnog Kitty * Kitty popping out of a Christmas present * Wreath-Sitting Kitty * Tangled in Christmas Lights Kitty * Hawaiian Christmas Kitty * Snowflake-catching Kitty * Stocking Kitty * Hot Chocolate Kitty * Waiting for Santa Kitty * Santa with his helper kitty * Happy Christmas Lights Kitty * Feliz Navidad Kitty * Unimpressed Kitty * Laughing Snowman Kitty * Super Happy Kitty * What happened to the ornament? These cats are ready for Christmas Are you?Merry Christmas and Happy New Year