Cafeland - World Kitchen!

Design your dream cafe, bakery & restaurant, cook tasty food and be a star chef Begin a world kitchen journey in Cafeland today Master your cooking, choose delicious meals from the menu and serve treats. Build the foundations of a huge and successful world renowned business and get carried away in a cooking fever FROM A SNACK BAR TO A WORLD FAMOUS CAF Decorate and design the caf of your dreams Cook tasty food to keep your customers happy - From the creators who brought you Cafeland, its a fun-tastic new cooking adventure In Cafeland, you have dozens of different dishes; desserts, appetizers, fast food and many more Not to mention that there are hundreds of shiny new items to decorate your place. We would love to hear from you Use the Contact button in settings while you are in the game or e-mail us at: [email protected] Gamegos - All Rights Reserved