C6 Lap Steel Guitar Sleepwalk!

C6 Lap Steel Guitar SleepwalkGeorgeBoards Sleepwalk in C6 Tuning is one of our most popular lessons for learning song specific licks and is a favorite of lap steel guitar players worldwide. Prior experience with the C6th tuning, low to high strings C-E-G-A-C-E, as well as basic lap steel guitar knowledge is recommended. This app contains movies that demonstrate GeorgeBoards C6th versions of Sleepwalk licks including: * The Intro Lick with Detailed Tabs Graphic Overlaid on the Movie * The Melody with Graphic Tabs * A really good passing chord into the Bridge * The Bridge with the Ending all with Graphic Tabs * More licks to get back to the Head of the Song * How to make up your own licks * The Whole Song * C6th Tune Up movie that covers 6 String Lap Steel Guitars * All movies have the Players View Camera to Enhance the Learning ExperienceTo navigate through lessons, pause, rewind, and replay as needed for a specialized learning experience.