Bollywood Films and Movie.s Songs Trivia Quiz Game!

If you are addicted to Bollywood movies, hindi songs, Indian tradition, cinema and culture, you are in the right place at the right time Download Bollywood Films and Movie.s Songs Trivia Quiz Game and prepare for the funniest ride of your life Listen to the most amazing Indian sounds found in Bollywood movies, learn about the intriguing hindi movie history You enjoy listening to the best free songs of Bollywood, or watching telugu movies? Hurry up and instantly download this extraordinary app for free Available in 2 different game plays: Endless the player will answer questions until they give 3 wrong answers. If you would like to have some advanced options at your disposal, try out our in-app purchase section which offers in-apps for coins, in-apps for locking of all the questions and in-apps which double the number of the existing coins So, dont hesitate to try them all Ultimate movie quiz for all fans of Bollywood Guess the movie, guess the actor, answer movie quotes trivia questions and check out your movie knowledge with this free quiz game for kids and adults Check the best free movie quiz app with trivia questions about famous funny movies, comedy actors, movie trailers, pictures or quotes from movies, film directors, cinematographers, and everything that makes Bollywood one of the most popular and influentual film industry in the world