Bluetooth Scanner Raw!

Bluetooth Scanner Raw is the only iOS scanning app with raw Bluetooth packet live-streaming, similar to the popular network tool Wireshark.Discover all Bluetooth Low Energy data broadcasting from smart phones, beacons, health trackers, Fitbits, and more. You will gain unrestricted access to Bluetooth data, scannable by iOS, in its pure raw form. FEATURES Real-time packet data sniffing Discover hidden devices A simple scrollable data stream with large history Reverse engineer Bluetooth device communications Observe patters in device data Clipboard supportIn the Future: Auto resolve company names using Bluetooth SIG online registry Filtering on a single Bluetooth devicePACKET FORMATEach Bluetooth BLE packet starts with: [ xxxx: ] - Last 4 digits of Bluetooth device UUID (iOS generated) [ RSSI ] - Received Signal Strength Indicator, UNK = UnknownThen can contain any of these AdData Structures: [ TX ] - Devices Transmit Power Level (Integer) [ CON ] - Connectable (Boolean) [ NAME ] - Local Name (String) [ UUID ] - Service UUIDs found in advertisement and Scan Response data - (GUID) [ SRV ] - Service Data (Hex bytes) [ MFR ] - Manufacturer Data (Hex bytes)