BeScene - All Events in SG, Never Miss an Event!

BeScene is the largest curated event discovery app in Singapore. Discover local events, get tickets quickly, and even connect with your friends through our all-in-one events application right away Re-discover Singapore like never before. Through the use of our application, users can discover a wide range of exclusively curated events all around Singapore, get customised event recommendations based on their personal interests, keep track of events that will be attended by friends, and purchase event tickets quickly EVENT DISCOVERYDiscover popular upcoming events happening all around SingaporeFind events based on your personal interestsChoose from up to 15 interest categoriesCONNECT & SHARECreate personal profileConnect to Facebook accountSee what events your friends are attendingStay updated by following your favourite event organisersENJOY DISCOUNTSEnjoy discounts when buying tickets hosted through BeSceneGet discount codes by referring your friendsFor any questions or feedback on our mobile application, please feel free to contact our team of experts at [email protected].