
AreaMap-Lite allows you to measure the perimeter and the area of anything is visible on Googl. Maps. Characteristic parameters:* iOS 5 Ready* Languages: ITALIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH* Table: add, edit, delete items* Map Display: Standard, Satellite, Hybrid* PIN: add, delete, move, rename* Position: Latitude and Longitude of each pin* Length: meters, kilometers, yards, nautical miles* Area: square meters, hectares, square kilometers, acres* Line Colors: red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, black* Area Colors: red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, black* Viewfinder: On / Off* Area: On / Off* Pin: On / Off* Top panel: shifts automatically, depending on the viewfinder* Table items measured: No limit (Pro version only) Pin Number: No Limit (Pro version only) In the Lite version:* Maximum 5 (five) Pin to delimit an area* Maximum 3 (three) elements in the table* Banner AdvertisingAreaMap-Pro is available on the App Store