All Chords - Scales & Arpeggios!

A detailed representation of simple and complex chords and arpeggios, as well as scales from several stylistic settings - both for all guitar positions and narrow/wide piano fingerings, and in all keys. Add to this chord and scale analysis of all positions/fingerings and playback at variable speeds. In all guitar positions Narrow and wide piano fingerings Up to 15 voicings per chord and key Choose scroll wheel or pop-up window Arpeggios in all positions as well Color-code tones by function or interval (keynote / quint / third / seventh / tension) Select guitar-to-piano (or vice-versa)Scales 66 scales of modern music and jazz (gospel, melodic minor modes, harmonic minor modes, harmonic major modes, jazz, blues, bebop, pentatonic scales ) 61 world-music scales (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Indian, Roman, ) In all guitar positions Select scroll wheel or pop-up window Select guitar-to-piano (or vice-versa)Matrix Systematic display of chords and scales Intervals at a glance Comparison of harmonic structure Player Plays the displayed notes - depending on the instrument, voicing and location Playback speed is under your control Ideal for both ear and vocal training Ideal for simultaneous practice of scales and arpeggios for both singing and instrumental studentsAnalyzer Determine chords and scales after entering at least 2 notes on either the guitar or piano Display multiple results Identification of excerpts from chords and scales Useful and informative ranking of bass tone, number of tones, and complexity Direct transfer of the analysis results to normal display modeMore functions Left-handed guitar Change between # and b keys Display of enharmonic equivalents Classical notation in the treble clef Simplified representation of 20 basic chords and 16 standard scales for beginnersLast but not least, you can also jam on the app itself on either guitar or piano :)