Acronym Finder - Acronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms, and more!

Acronym Finder is the worlds largest database of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms: 1 million+ acronyms and their meanings, all verified by our editorial team. Quickly find any acronyms meaning with our category filter: MedicalMilitaryGovernment Science TechnologyBusinessTexting and Slangand moreWHAT YOU GET:* 1 million+ acronyms and their meanings, all verified by our editorial team. Praise for Acronym FinderAn exponentially expanding dictionary consulted by bureaucrats, translators, doctors, weapons designers and anyone else who needs help decrypting the wide worlds daily output of acronyms.- The Wall Street JournalAn astounding array of explanations for things like HRT and NASP.- USA TodayPowered by If you cant find it here, you wont find it anywhere.