AccentClear: English Pronunciation Tutor!

Improve your English pronunciation with ClearSpeech developed and proven by renowned speech scientists in the US. We guarantee noticeable improvement in pronunciation and communication in English. Use this to check how much you have improved FREE VERSION FEATURES:- 3D Introduction to the American Vowel Sound video- 3D Introduction to the American Consonant Sound video- Complete Practice Package of the /r/ and /i/ sounds, includingTHE FULL VERSION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL FEATURES:- 41 complete practice package of all American English sounds- Key features include 3D instruction videos showing the speech mechanisms inside of the mouth Step-by-step instructions of each sound with 3D animation 360 degree panoramic view of each phonetic sound Sound and spelling pattern practice (phonics) Self Tester to help evaluate the accuracy of your sounds through our patent pending speech analysis engine Word Practice videos of all 41 American English sounds, including zoom-in view of the mouth Interactive Sentence Practice of all 41 American English sounds