Ab Challenge, 37 Best Exercises with Program For 6 Weeks!

What you gain by purchasing this app: - The 37 Hardest (Video) Abs Exercises; - workouts without an expensive trainer; - tons of top-quality exercise videos; - a complete correctly structured workout program; - detailed comments for each exercise; - a chance to work out with our trainer in realtime; - a chance to carefully watch each exercise video prior to starting a workout; - a chance to start working out regardless of your body training level; - the workout system tested out in real life by real people; - your own online personal trainer; - a chance to consult a trainer in realtime; - no ads in the app; - detailed instructions for each exercise; - a list of common mistakes; - an opportunity to see in detail how each exercise should be performed thanks to our unique shooting method. Your own personal trainer: Alexey Moskalenko World champion in kickboxing, European champion. Gradually decrease this break as well, training your muscles to recover in a shorter period of time.