A Few Billion Square Tiles, a Minesweeper MMO!

Play Minesweeper with thousands of other players: explore an infinite world of tiles, build your empire, join clans and fight for world domination A Few Billion Square Tiles is a multiplayer Minesweeper played online on an infinite board: play in real time with thousands of other players fight for the biggest empire compete for speed in hourly leaderboards create and join clans earn honorific titles find hidden pixel art on the map, or draw your own as you progress share bookmarks of your favorite locations browse the world online at http://afewbillion.comand now:play on your Mac too MineSweeper, meet the 21st century A Few Billion Square Tiles is a real time online multiplayer game which requires an internet connection, preferably over Wifi. The game is completely free and the only in-app purchase is there to remove ads.