30 Day Plank Challenge.!

Challenge yourself with the NEW Plank Challenge 30 day 2016 -Marin is a certified fitness teacher who loves to coach and challenge anybody seeking health and happiness. Her good advices, motivation and her smile will make you achieve this 30 days plank challenge in no time -Download the app and get your first WEEK of plank videos for FREE. Protects against injuries and can be done anywhere Day 1 20 secondsDay 2 20 secondsDay 3 30 secondsDay 4 30 secondsDay 5 40 secondsDay 6 RESTDay 7 45 secondsDay 8 45 secondsDay 9 60 secondsDay 10 60 secondsDay 11 60 secondsDay 12 90 secondsDay 13 RESTDay 14 90 secondsDay 15 90 secondsDay 16 120 secondsDay 17 120 secondsDay 18 150 secondsDay 19 RESTDay 20 150 secondsDay 21 150 secondsDay 22 180 secondsDay 23 180 secondsDay 24 210 secondsDay 25 210 secondsDay 26 RESTDay 27 240 secondsDay 28 240 secondsDay 29 270 secondsDay 30 300 seconds (Yes you can do it)