Wantedly Chat Empower your team to communicate and achieve at record speed. For free. Wantedly aims to connect jobseekers with inspiring work, and employers with passionate people.Wantedly Chat is recommended for users familiar with: Slack, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Hangout, LINE, Chatwork, Yammer, Hipchat, etc.

Wantedly Chat - Agile Communication for Teams alternatives


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  • rating 5.0
  • size 57.4 MB


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RedminePM - Redmine Client App

The Best Redmine Client for iPhone. English, Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French, Italian, Turkish and Korean languages support. * FeaturesSome of the main features of Redmine are: Multiple projects support Flexible role based access control Flexible issue tracking system Gantt chart and calendar News, documents & files management Feeds & email notifications Per project wiki Per project forums Time tracking Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, GitHub, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) Issue creation via email Multiple LDAP authentication support User self-registration support Multilanguage support Multiple databases support http://www.redmine.org/

  • size 8.4 MB