VanHack prepares tech talent to get jobs in the Canadian tech market by giving them the skills, mentorship and connections needed to land their dream job. Our app shows you everything you need to know about getting a job and shows you the step by step processes of getting hired We also have jobs available at companies who will sponsor your work visa

VanHack App alternatives


O meuSucesso a Escola de Insights pra voc que sonha em tirar aquele seu projeto do papel. Aqui, o conhecimento e o entretenimento caminham juntos pra levar voc at o sucesso que tanto procura.- Aprenda com estudos de casos reais de sucesso.- Inspire-se com documentrios exclusivos.- Estude a trajetria de grandes empreendedores.- Mais de 150 horas de contedo.- Extraia grandes insights a cada aula.- Qualidade cinematogrfica. Venha para o meuSucesso e aprenda a ter sucesso com quem j chegou l.

  • size 67.7 MB


An APP of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil ( RFB ) for the International Travellers .Top news :1 ) The Travellers Electronic Declaration of Goods (e- DBV) embedded in the app, with offline completion , requiring Internet connection only when submitting the statement.2 ) New online consultation service of the situation of an delivered e- DBV.3 ) Informative videos now have subtitles for the English language.4 ) New Q & A service with several relevant questions answered .In addition, English and Spanish language supported throughout the application , with an easy access to language change menu.

  • size 12.5 MB

AWS Console

The AWS Console mobile app, provided by Amazon Web Services, lets you view resources for select services. The app also supports a limited set of management functions for select resource types, so you can use the app to support incident response while youre on the go. Were listening

  • rating 3.375
  • size 5.3 MB