Kardia es la herramienta ms completa para mdicos, estudiantes y profesionales de la salud especializados en enfermedades cardiovasculares. Esta aplicacin cuenta con un men con ocho diferentes secciones: -Anatoma: De una manera simple, sencilla e ilustrativa encontrar informacin general del sistema cardiovascular, el corazn, los vasos sanguneos y el endotelio; -Patologa: Esta seccin ilustra y describe la patologas asociadas con la enfermedad cerebrovascular como lo son la hipertensin arterial, la afeccin ocular, el infarto agudo al miocardio, la enfermedad renal crnica y el dao endotelial en la aterosclerosis; -Atlas 3D del corazn;-Seccin de IPPs de diferentes medicamentos de Boehringer Ingelheim con informacin detallada de formulacin, indicaciones teraputicas, contraindicaciones y dems datos puntuales de inters; -Kardia consulta, es una seccin con guas nutricionales para pacientes diabticos con dietas de 1200,1500 y 1800 caloras; -Calculadoras: Esta seccin cuenta con ocho herramientas que permiten hacer clculos precisos que determinan puntajes o principales valores de inters para diferentes enfermedades cardiovasculares. Kardia contiene material auspiciado por Boehringer Ingelheim Mxico.

Kardia alternatives


NEW Creates your personal heart profile, automatically identifying any guest recordings. Kardia by AliveCor provides the easiest way to detect possible atrial fibrillation early and reduce your risk of stroke so you can live life with confidence. Now integrated with Apples Health App.

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ECG Test - Challenge Your Interpreting Skills

Test and improve your ECG interpreting skills with 1000+ samples in static images, and real-time monitor. [What users say about us]Using this as a study guide for my paramedic. [Note] 1) All cases are stored in raw data (sample rate is 500 points per second), not static images, so you can look into very detailed waves in pixels 2) You should already have basic knowledge of ECG interpretation, and you use the cases to build a solid cardiology foundation [Findings Covered] Atrial Flutter Atrial Fibrillation Ventricular Fibrillation Escape Beat PAC (Premature Atrial Contruction) PAC Bigeminy PAC Trigeminy PVC (Premature Ventricular Contruction) PVC Bigeminy PVC Trigeminy Supraventricular Tachycardia Ventricular Tachycardia Ventricular Escape Rhythm Ventricular Rhythm QT Prolongation Short QT High T ST Elevation S1,S2,S3 Pattern High Voltage Positive T in V1 Ventricular Hypertrophy LVH Left / Right Atrial Enlargement Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Left Atrial Overload Short PR Interval WPW Syndrome Suspect WPW Syndrome AV Block I (Wenckebach / Mobitz) 2:1 AV Block Complete AV Block Artificial Pacemaker Rhythm(A / V / D) RSR Pattern IRBBB (Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block) IVCD (Intraventricular Conduction Block) CRBBB (Complete Right Bundle Branch Block) CLBBB (Complete Left Bundle Branch Block) ICLBBB (Incomplete Left Bundle Branch Block) LAH (Left Anterior Hemi Block) LPH (Left Posterior Hemi Block) BBBB (Bifascicular Bundle Block) TBBB (Trifascicular Bundle Block) Flat T Negative T ST-T Abnormality Premature repolarization Syndrome Poor R Progression Abnormal Q wave Subendcardial Infarction Possible Anterior Infarction Anterior Infarction Anteroseptal Infarction Possible Lateral Infarction Lateral Infarction Inferior Infarction Possible High-Post Infarction Sinus Rhythm Coronary Sinus Rhythm AV Junctional Rhythm AV Dissociation Marked Sinus Bradycardia Sinus Bradycardia Sinus Tachycardia Tachycardia Bradycardia Extreme Tachycardia Extreme Bradycardia Sinus Arrhythmia

  • size 20.6 MB

ECG - Cases for CME & EMT

Over ONE MILLION users are using ECG Cases to learn and sharpen electrocardiography knowledge and skills They are medical students and teachers, primary healthcare providers, physicians, practitioners, and nurses. Join them today to get your ECG knowledge refresh. For teachers, you can use the cases as teaching resources.

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CardioVisual: Heart Health

While most health apps are not created by doctors, CardioVisual is 100% designed and maintained by practicing cardiologists its simply the most reliable and complete cardiovascular health information source available. CardioVisual provides an almost encyclopedic library of high-quality videos and graphics that provide reliable and easy understanding of complex heart conditions, medical treatments, procedures, surgeries and devices. * Customize the app to create your favorites Non-HCPs: * Review the same trustworthy information your doctor shared with you * Get easy-to-understand information about your heart condition but also other healthy tips such as proper nutrition, understanding medications, tips for monitoring BP and more * Simplified video content in English or Spanish * Easy to use and always available on your mobile device * Avoid confusion and endless internet searchesBe sure to provide your email address when asked in the app so we can get feedback from you to help us make the app even more useful

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