Atravs do Jardins App voc poder acessar uma lista de estabelecimentos do seu Bairro Dividido nas categorias Entretenimento, Gastronomia, Lojas & Servios e Sade para facilitar a sua navegaoVoc ter acesso aos detalhes do estabelecimento, visualizao no traa e a possibilidade de traar a rota at o local.

Jardins App alternatives


An APP of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil ( RFB ) for the International Travellers .Top news :1 ) The Travellers Electronic Declaration of Goods (e- DBV) embedded in the app, with offline completion , requiring Internet connection only when submitting the statement.2 ) New online consultation service of the situation of an delivered e- DBV.3 ) Informative videos now have subtitles for the English language.4 ) New Q & A service with several relevant questions answered .In addition, English and Spanish language supported throughout the application , with an easy access to language change menu.

  • size 12.5 MB