DIGICASH MOBILE PAYMENT: FAST, CONVENIENT, SECURE & FREE DIGICASH is a free App that enables you:- to pay in stores, your bills, in other Apps, in online shops in Luxembourg,- to send, receive and request money to and from any phone number, with transfers via the underlying bank account(s). -Quick & convenient-Free (except mobile operator charges)-Transfers and payments from 0.01 up to 2,500 -Highly secure & set your own payment limits-Send and request money to/from any mobile number - with underlying bank transfer-Works for most Luxembourg bank accounts/customers-Available in hundreds of stores and with many (utility) bill issuers-Link loyalty cards all-in-one payment experience* A BANK PAYMENT APPThe BGL BNP Paribas DIGICASH App is linked both to your phone number and your bank account(s). No card or bank data is transferred and nobody else can use your DIGICASH App as all payments are authorised via fingerprint/PIN Code.

Digicash BGL BNP Paribas alternatives


Suivez la Bourse en direct depuis votre iPhone - Retrouvez toute lactualit boursire et financire sur lapplication Boursier.com, de 6h 23h, o que vous soyez (Marchs Franais, US, Europens et Asiatiques, Actu Economique, Actu patrimoine).- Consultez les points de marchs Franais et US (pr-ouverture, ouverture, mi-sance et clture).- Suivez en direct lvolution des valeurs (Actions, Produits de bourse comme les Warrants, Certificats, Trackers) pour prendre les bonnes dcisions au bon moment - Accdez au palmars des valeurs cotes Paris (CAC40, SBF120 et SRD) et New-York (Dow Jones, Nasdaq).- Retrouvez les cours des principaux indices (CAC40, SBF120, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Nikkei, Euronext 100, Next 150) et devises (Euro/Dollar, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY).- Pour les membres de Boursier.com, accdez vos listes et portefeuilles de valeurs personnaliss, ainsi qu 1 conseil boursier gratuit par jour- Pour les abonns Boursier.com Privilges, consultez les portefeuilles types de la rdaction, la Short-List trimestrielle des valeurs suivre et lensemble des conseils boursiers de la rdaction

  • rating 3.625
  • size 110 MB

Currency converter##

M Converter Free for iPhone is a currency converter. You can select your favorite currencies. This application is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

  • size 8.1 MB


The Bancontact app makes mobile payments fast and easy. With the Bancontact app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can pay back your friends in the blink of an eye, make hassle-free online or in-app purchases, settle bills and invoices or even pay in a shop. For further information, including how to withdraw your consent or to opt out from Google Analytics, as well as about your right of access, rectification and objection to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, please refer to Bancontact Companys privacy policy available at www.bancontact.com.

  • size 41.7 MB

Mes Comptes BNP Paribas

Avec lapplication Mes comptes, vivez une exprience bancaire unique. Simple, efficace, scurise et volutive, Mes Comptesa t pense pour sintgrer parfaitement dans votre quotidien. Clients BNP Paribas, Banque Prive, Banque Pro, Priority, que vous soyez sur votre Smartphone, votre tablette ou votre montre connecte, tlchargez Mes Comptes, lappli bancaire la plus smart

  • size 171 MB