*This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or otherwise affiliated with, Snapchat. Is there a caption on a saved screenshots that you would love to get rid of? Simply submit what you would like to have edited on your photo and you will receive a professionally edited photo in your inbox in just a snap

Clean Caption for Photos alternatives

Sketch Me! Lite

Turn your photos into drawing, cartoons or sketch images in one click to create instant works of art. Different effects easy to use with full control. Help us to improve XnSketch by sending your bugs or requests on [email protected]: http://www.facebook.com/xnviewTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/xnviewG+: http://plus.google.com/+xnview/

  • size 19.8 MB

Batch Resize

This app allows you to resize up to 100 images at once to whatever size in pixels you like, quickly and easily. You can specify the output format using one of the following four resize modes:1. The maximum output size for 32 bit devices is limited to 4000 x 4000 pixels and for 64 bit devices to 8000 x 8000 pixels.

  • rating 4.33333
  • size 6.8 MB