This is a sample containing 30 birds of the much larger app Birds of Britain Pro: A Field Guide. This sample has all the features of the larger app so that you can try it out. To keep up with the latest news:Twitter: (Chirp & Chirpomatic birdsong apps): (Nature Guides):

Birds of Britain Pro: Lite Edition alternatives

Echo Meter Touch Bat Detector

Echo Meter Touch 2, plug-in modules for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch allow the user to listen to, record, and automatically identify bats by their ultrasonic echolocation calls. The modules and this companion iOS app reveal the silent and often times invisible world of bats, providing outdoor enthusiasts, citizen scientists, and researchers an affordable and informative way to interact with these important creatures. Auto-ID does not include every possible bat for each of the covered regions.

  • size 121 MB

iKnow Birds 2 LITE - The Field Guide to the Birds of Europe

- Fglar namn r p svenska - The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to the BIRDS OF EUROPE, all in the palm of your hand Finally, you have the option to identify species without the help of a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full of facts, figures, and images. CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE

Bird Song Id Automatic Recognition & Reference - Birds of the British Isles

Bird Id - British Isles Identification Guide including all RSPB BGB bird watching survey birds