Experience Amsterdam The Style Outlets. Look around in beautiful 360 degree panoramas and get a taste of the atmosphere. Or take the model for a spin with Augmented Reality.

Amsterdam The Style Outlets alternatives

Eventbrite Organizer

Eventbrite Organizer is your one-stop shop for managing event sales and attendees on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Monitor real-time ticket sales, check-in attendees, track attendance live, and accept fast, secure payment for tickets and merchandise on-site. What is Eventbrite?Eventbrite is the worlds largest self-service ticketing and registration platform, hosting a vibrant collection of live experiences to fuel peoples passions and enrich their lives.


Sabia que pode comunicar leituras, pagar e consultar faturas da EDP onde e quando quiser? Com a app edponline estas e outras funcionalidades esto apenas distncia de 1 toque. Se quiser saber onde esto localizadas as lojas e agentes EDP, a app leva-o at l. A app tambm lhe disponibiliza os vrios contactos da EDP e permite-lhe aceder diretamente comunidade EDPAntes de comear a utilizar faa uma visita guiada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xj6QQYEx1E).Se tiver questes relacionadas com o edponline pode: Consultar a rea de Ajuda Consultar o Apoio ao Cliente no edponline Ligar para o 808 500 500 (dias teis, das 8h s 20h)

  • size 22.3 MB

Google Primer

Primer is a fast, easy way to learn new business and digital marketing skills. We give you bite-sized lessons to do whenever you have 5 minutes free. And you can put your new knowledge to use right away with personalized, in-app next steps that are automatically saved for you.

Jobandtalent - Job Search

Jobandtalent is a free job search app that instantly matches employers with job seekers, simplifying the hiring process so that its fast and easy. Looking for a job? No problemo, just write to us at [email protected]

  • size 113 MB