Ad Scrubber is an open-source content filtering application for Safari that blocks third-party scripts and more than 25,000 websites that have been identified as serving ads or malware. Ad Scrubber can also be used as a platform for implementing custom content-filtering rules. Note that when loading Content Blocker rules, Safari may not implement very large or complex rule sets.

Ad Scrubber alternatives

AdBlock for Mobile

Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free, #1 most popular content blocker for Safari, with over 50 million users across all browsers. * Does AdBlock block iAds?AdBlock will only block ads you see on websites, including video ads, Facebook, and everywhere else.

  • size 21.5 MB

ADmosphere - Free Ad Blocker with EasyListy

Block ads in Safari for free. ADmosphere app is 10 EasyList-based content blockers built into one app. Speed up your Internet experience up to 4x, use up to 50% less data and reduce battery drain caused by ads and trackers.

  • size 12.4 MB

AdGuard - adblock and privacy protection

Finally, the most effective ad blocker is available Remove everything that annoys you, accelerate the web and secure your privacy. Adguard supports more than 50 filter subscriptions optimized for Safari. For more than 6 years Adguard help its users enjoy the Internet the way it should be - safe and clean.

  • rating 4.16667
  • size 19.6 MB


Ka-Block is a content blocker for Safari that prevents ads and tracking scripts from slowing down web pages you visit. Many sites use third-party scripts to track your behavior across the web, causing pages to load slowly and draining your phones battery. We hope you enjoy Ka-Block

  • size 8.0 MB