Wir begren Sie herzlich zur 46. dghd-Jahrestagung an der TH Kln. Prinzip Hochschulentwicklung Hochschuldidaktik zwischen Pofilbildung und Wertefragen. 7.3.2017 - 10.3.2017

dghd17 alternatives

PONS Online Translator

The Free PONS Online Dictionary - with Text TranslationFast and reliable translations in 40 PONS Dictionaries and in 36 languagesFind the translation you are looking for in our dictionary database with over 16 million words and phrases in entries which our PONS editors edit and certify to uphold the quality that PONS is known for. The languages included in the app are Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Slovenian and Turkish. The range covers traditional dictionaries and grammars, audio and electronic language courses, and free online services.www.pons.com

  • size 35.2 MB

LEO dictionary

Look up words online in the LEO dictionary service for the language pairs German-English, -French, -Spanish, -Italian, -Chinese, -Russian, -Polish and -Portuguese.

  • size 35.3 MB