With YakSee, you can host interactive Live Broadcasts from your phone or tablet and have hundreds or even thousands of people join those sessions, from anywhere in the world. Interactive means you can select a member of the audience to join in the session, and then select another, then another, so everyones voice can potentially be heard, and their face can be seen. Notifications: you can send notifications to your groups you create from your YakSee, eMail or Phone Contacts.

Yaksee alternatives


GroupMe - -Gizmodo SMS - INTERNET GIF URL groupme.com : [email protected]: @GroupMeFacebook: facebook.com/groupmeInstagram: @GroupMe GroupMe : SMS : https://groupme.com/privacy

  • rating 4.81454

Hootsuite - Social Media Tools

Share and schedule posts from your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts all from one app. Hootsuite is the worlds most popular social media management app and is FREE for up to 3 social network accounts. Questions?Twitter: @Hootsuite_HelpFacebook: http://facebook.com/hootsuiteMore info:Terms of service: https://hootsuite.com/legal/termsPrivacy policy: http://hootsuite.com/privacy

Facebook Mentions

Facebook Mentions is currently only available to verified public figures. To gain access to Mentions, visit http://facebook.com/mentions. Tell Your Story - Start conversations directly from your phone by posting updates, sharing photos or videos, or hosting a live Q&A.

  • rating 4.0
  • size 375 MB

Signal - Private Messenger

Privacy is possible, Signal makes it easy. Using Signal, you can communicate instantly while avoiding SMS fees, create groups so that you can chat in real time with all your friends at once, and share media all with complete privacy. For support, questions, or more information, please visit:http://support.signal.orgSource code:https://github.com/WhisperSystems/Signal-iOSFollow us on Twitter (@WhisperSystems) for all of the latest updates and announcements.

  • rating 4.03448