The companion app for the Ravensburger card games Werwlfe Vollmondnacht for 3-10 players, ages 8+ and Werwlfe MorgenGrauen for 3-10 players, ages 9+Attention Can only be played in combination with the card game Werwlfe Vollmondnacht is a quick game for 3 to 10 players. Are you the helpful seer, the sneaky troublemaker, or actually one of the bloodthirsty werewolves? The speakers distinctive voice provides an atmospheric and exciting tone.

Werewolves One Night alternatives

SFR & Moi

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  • size 84.4 MB


Countdown the date that you most waiting for, and decorate the view with your image you love.- Notification that count for every day.- Update look for iOS 7.- Styles: number / flip view - today widget viewCelebrate when the time has come

  • size 14.9 MB

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