The MERIT App/Web portal displays extensive array of information regarding the merit order of Electricity procured by State(s) such as daily state-wise marginal variable costs of all generators, daily source-wise power purchases of respective states/UTs with source-wise fixed and variable costs, energy volumes and purchase prices. The web-portal also give information regarding reasons for deviation from merit order such as must run conditions, transmission constraints etc. The advantages of Merit Portal are as follows: - Empowerment of the Consumer and participative governance- Transparent information dissemination pertaining to marginal variable cost and source wise purchase of electricity- Promotes economy and efficiency in operations- Demystifies the utility portfolio and its complexity- Optimization of the power procurement costs- Facilitates renewable integration and handling of the variability and uncertainty of renewables- Indication of supply side reliability, adequacy, and cost of power procurement.

MERIT - By Ministry of Power alternatives

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