Univision Farmacia es la mejor tarjeta de descuentos para medicamentos en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico, ofreciendo precios exclusivos en medicamentos de marca que no se encuentran disponibles en otros establecimientosCon Univision Farmacia puedes recibir descuentos de hasta un 85% en medicamentos de receta. La aplicacin de Univision Farmacia te permite ver cunto cuesta tu medicamento y encontrar la farmacia participante ms cercana a ti, con el precio ms bajo. Para mayor informacin, visita univisionfarmacia.com.

Univision Farmacia alternatives


MTBCs innovative application for ICD-10 transition is an extraordinary tool for medical practices and physicians to convert ICD-9 diagnostic codes to ICD-10 version of comprehensive coding. This handy time-saving tool includes all the ICD-9 codes and their respective ICD-10 codes. - One Step ICD 10 conversion- View detailed description against each ICD 10 codes- View all available ICD 10 alternatives against each ICD 9 codes- View ICD 9 code against ICD 10- Search ICD 10 and view its ICD 9 code- Easy and fast access to your Common Specialty codes and its conversion

  • size 11.4 MB

Discount Prescription Rx Card

This card provides the deepest savings overall, in most cases 10% - 95% off the Brand and Generic retail price of your prescription. Simply show this card to any major pharmacy to start saving Three configurable reminder notifications to help you We provided our members with over $47,000 in discounts for the month of April, in some cases up to a 95% discount What we provide that separates us from other cards:- $50 monthly giveaway drawing A positive member experience is our #1 goal. Accepted at places like Walgreens, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Kmart, Longs, Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Duane Reade, Kerr, and many others.

  • rating 4.29412
  • size 15.5 MB

DRG Lookup

Decision Resources Group maintains the highest quality and most comprehensive, integrated database of formulary information in the United States, covering virtually all plans, in all segments: commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, PBM, Health Exchange, Employers and more. Our services allow pharmaceutical executives, including brand teams and sales professionals, to leverage managed care formulary information as a significant and competitive advantage. Enhanced personalization Advanced features include ability to store My Plans and My Drugs for quick reference.

  • size 4.9 MB

HelpRx Mobile Prescription Discounts

It is our mission to provide the best prescription discounts on the web. Every discount you find on this app is free, good at every U.S. pharmacy, and can save you money right at the register. Download the app and snag your Rx savings

  • rating 3.57143
  • size 8.7 MB

InterQual Mobile

The same InterQual Criteria that youve always used can now be accessed with a few swipes of your finger. An enhanced digital version of the InterQual content, InterQual Mobile offers you all the benefits of a printed book without the confines of a single annual release, giving you around-the-clock access to the latest and most accurate clinical content at your fingertips. InterQual Mobile is currently available for the following InterQual Criteria products:InterQual Level of Care CriteriaAcute Adult Acute Pediatric Acute RehabilitationLong-Term Acute CareSubacute & SNFOutpatient Rehabilitation & ChiropracticInterQual Behavioral Health Criteria Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Substance Use Disorders

  • size 20.1 MB