La aplicacin de la Universidad de Lima facilita a la comunidad universitaria y al pblico en general el acceso a:- Promociones- Informacin detallada de los eventos Ulima- Mapa del campus- Noticias Ulima- Agenda de las actividades programadas mensualmente- Entrevistas a nuestros graduados y expositores- Redes sociales Ulima (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)Los alumnos de la Universidad de Lima podrn ingresar a la Intranet y al Aula Virtual y tener acceso a:- Horarios de clase- Horarios de exmenes- Asistencia por curso- Notas detalladas- Envo de correo a contactos de clase - Horarios de asesoras- Pagos pendientesAdems, se pueden realizar los pagos de matrcula y boletas utilizando tarjetas Visa.

Ulima App alternatives

Portuguese Verbs Trainer

The PORTUGUESE VERB CONJUGATION TRAINER is the award winning app that makes mastering PORTUGUESE VERBS simple and fun, designed especially for BUSY STUDENTS on the go, around the school or abroad. FEATURES Contains detailed CONJUGATION CHARTS for over 600 verbs Listen to AUDIO pronunciations for every verbs, in all conjugation forms (Powered by iSpeech). BUILT-IN verb lists:- ~ar Verbs- ~er Verbs- ~ir Verbs- Common Irregular Verbs- Pr VerbsWere always happy to hear from you Have a suggestion or problem?Contact us at or our homepage can also email [email protected]

  • size 367 MB

Learn Portuguese - Tudo Bem

TUDO BEM is the award-winning app that makes learning Portuguese simple and fun Quickly learn essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar concepts. Designed especially for students and tourists as well as business and medical professionals. Upon cancellation of your subscription, access to the premium lessons will terminate at the end of the current payment cycle.Were always happy to hear from you Have a suggestion or problem?You can email [email protected] include: - Greetings- How Are You?- Social Etiquette- Meeting People- Definite Articles- Indefinite Articles- Subject Pronouns- Tilde- The Letter - Talking About Languages- Present Tense- ~ar Verbs- ~er Verbs- ~ir Verbs- Family- Family (Relatives)- Describing People- Emotions- Personality- Ser vs Estar- Common Irregular Verbs- Pr Verbs- Possessives- Possessives II- Possessives III- Interrogatives- Colors- Colors II- Numbers (0-10)- Numbers (11-19)- Numbers (20-100)- Numbers (100-1,000,000)- Ordinal Numbers- Days of the Week- Months and Seasons- How Old Are You?- Telling Time- Weather and Climate- Parts of the Body- Parts of the Body II- The Face- The Hand- Clothes- Clothes Accessories- Object Pronouns- Object Pronouns II- Imperative Mood- Animals- Animals (Others)- Food- Fruits and Vegetables- Ordering at a Restaurant- Ordering in a Restaurant II- At the Airport- At the Hotel- Demonstratives- Prepositions- Prepositional Contractions (a, por, para)- Prepositional Contractions (em)- Prepositional Contractions (de)- Prepositional Pronouns- Travel and Transportation- Directions- Lets Go to the Beach- Sightseeing- Going Shopping- Going Shopping II- Post Office- Emergencies- Emergencies II- Health and Medical- Nationalities- Countries- Love and Romance- Sports- False Friends- Grammar Terms- School- Jobs and Professions- Jobs and Professions II- Imperfect Tense- Preterite Tense- Idiomatic Verb Phrases- Idiomatic Prepositional Phrases- Computers and Internet- Government- News- At the Office- Business- Business II- Banking and Finance- Tools and Fixing the House- Cleaning House- In the Kitchen- In the Bathroom- In the Bedroom- In the Living Room- Television- Entertainment- Present Subjunctive- Conditional Mood- Future Tense- Maternity and Baby- Internal Organs- Medications- Treatments- Diseases and Conditions- ReligionPrivacy Policy - and Conditions -

  • size 374 MB


With Platzi for iOS, learn whenever and wherever you want: take design, marketing and programming classes taught by tech leaders. Platzi is your go-to destination to keep up with the industry and boost your career. Visit to learn more.

  • size 15.7 MB

Buenas Tareas

La aplicacin de Buenas Tareas para mviles ya esta aqu Buenas Tareas es una pagina de bsqueda de trabajos online con cerca de 11 millones de documentos que te ayudarn a empezar tu investigacin. Trae las caractersticas que conoces y ama a BuenasTareas en tu iPhoneCuando accedes a tu cuenta desde la app, automticamente descargar la informacin de tu cuenta incluyendo: tus documentos cargados, tus documentos favoritos, y los documentos que has estado estudiando ms recientemente. Empieza a estudiar hoy con la app oficial de BuenasTareas Introduciendo la app oficial de BuenasTareas Caractersticas:-Regstrate en BuenasTareas gratuitamente -Maneja tu configuracin-Contacta con el servicio de soporte-Obtn acceso a toda nuestra biblioteca cen ms de 11 millones de documetos-Comparte ensayos via, texto, o redes sociales.

  • size 7.6 MB