Move the white ball with your finger. Avoid the orange balls for as long as you can. Find out by playing this simple and highly addictive game.

Survive This Game alternatives

Sphero ColorGrab

Get ready to test your speed with the first multiplayer tabletop game for Sphero. Sphero flashes different colors and you must pick him up at the right time to earn points. Easy to learn and great for all ages.

  • rating 3.5
  • size 28.1 MB

Survive it! - Wilderness Survival Manual

Military Grade Wilderness Survival Manual. Contains Field tested knowledge on just about everything you need to know in order to survive in the wild: Things ranging from kits to food and water procurement, desert survival to dealing with wild animals All put together in a beautiful and unmatched interface. When it comes to survival, dont settle for 2nd best Table Of Contents:INTRODUCTIONSURVIVAL ACTIONSPATTERN FOR SURVIVALPSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL- a look at stress- natural reactions- preparing yourselfSURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS- importance of planning- survival kitsBASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE- requirements for maintenance of health- medical emergencies- lifesaving steps- bone and joint injury- bites and stings- wounds- environmental injuries- herbal medicinesSHELTERS- shelter site selection- types of sheltersWATER PROCUREMENT- water sources- still construction- water purification- water filtration devicesFIRECRAFT- basic fire principles- site selection and preparation- fire material selection- how to build a fire- how to light a fireFOOD PROCUREMENT- animals for food- traps and snares- killing devices- fishing devices- preparation of fish and game for cooking and storageSURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS- edibility of plants- plants for medicinePOISONOUS PLANTS- how plants poison- all about plants- rules for avoiding poisonous plants- contact dermatitis- ingestion poisoningDANGEROUS ANIMALS- insects and arachnids- leeches- bats- poisonous snakes- dangerous lizards- dangers in rivers- dangers in bays and estuaries- saltwater dangersFIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT- clubs- edged weapons- other expedient weapons- lashing and cordage- rucksack construction- clothing and insulation- cooking and eating utensilsDESERT SURVIVAL- terrain- environmental factors- need for water- heat casualties- precautions- desert hazardsTROPICAL SURVIVAL- tropical weather- jungle types- travel through jungle areas- immediate considerations- water procurement- food- poisonous plantsCOLD WEATHER SURVIVAL- cold regions and locations- windchill- basic principles of cold weather survival- hygiene- medical aspects- cold injuries- shelters- fire- water- food- travel- weather signsSEA SURVIVAL- the open sea- seashoresEXPEDIENT WATER CROSSINGS- rivers and streams- rapids- rafts- flotation devices- other water obstacles- vegetation obstaclesFIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING- using the sun and shadows- using the moon- using the stars- making improvised compasses- other means of determining directionSIGNALING TECHNIQUES- application- means for signaling- codes and signals- aircraft vectoring procedures

  • size 19.0 MB

Gravity Free - Light Particles Manipulation App

Gravity combines music, art and science in one relaxing experience. Use all your fingers to guide the star flow. )* Ability to save and load option presets* Multiple play modes: default, drawing, tranquility and user defined

  • rating 4.0
  • size 40.5 MB

Make Origami

Fold your own origami and decorate it any way you like. This is a fun project for kids and adults alike We have collected together some fun Christmas origami models to enjoy with your kids. We hope you will enjoy it.

  • rating 3.10526
  • size 36.6 MB