Save your favorite concert setlists to Apple Music playlists StageToStereo trawls effortlessly through thousands of setlists to find the ones that are important to you. Whether it was the night Hendrix debuted Purple Haze, the festival where you first fell in love or a chaotic underground warehouse gig, everyone has a concert that means something to them and now you can easily export them to Apple Music with the click of a button.- Search thousands of setlists- Save setlists to Apple Music playlistsYou will need an Apple Music membership to get the most out of StageToStereo Apple Music is a trademark of Apple Inc.

StageToStereo - Setlists To Apple Music Playlists alternatives

Bandsintown Concerts

Never miss another live show. Welcome to Bandsintown, the place where the concert-obsessed and the worlds must-see artists connect: Get Tickets to the hottest shows in your area (we know whats going on 24/7) Find more concerts based on the music youre already obsessed with (thanks to Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more) Discover new music (see out whos similar to your favorite artists, and see whos featured) Receive cant-miss alerts from artists you Track (about tour announcements, interviews, news, and more) Invite people to the next gig (sharing is caring) Post a photo of your epic stage dive (we cant promise your mom wont see it, though)because friends never let friends miss a concert, or a message from their favorite artist. Email: [email protected] use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Sonos Controller


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