Sparkle uma ferramenta criada para entregar seu contedo a todo o seu pblico de uma s vez, sem que voc precise pagar nada por isso. Faa o download e comece j COMUNICAO SEM LIMITESCom grupos sem limites de membros, voc tem liberdade para gerenciar seus seguidores e clientes com toda a privacidade que desejou, sem nenhum dado pessoal exposto. Baixe o Sparkle beta e ajude-nos a construir a melhor ferramenta de comunicao do mercado.

Sparkle alternatives

Here, Look

Here, Look solves two problems:1. You hand someone your phone to show them a picture, then they start scrolling through the rest of your photos. When theyre done, they hand the phone back, and you triple-tap to return to your albums.

  • size 6.4 MB

BIGVU Teleprompter Video Maker

Parrot Teleprompter

The Parrot Teleprompter app is easy to use, and has all the top requested features turning your smartphone into a high end professional teleprompter. It was designed to be used by itself on a smartphone, or with the Parrot Teleprompter. Its compact size makes it easy to throw in your camera bag and take it wherever you go for your next interview, on location news report, documentary, video blog, podcast, corporate video, video tutorial, or speech.

  • rating 3.88889
  • size 10.5 MB

Video Teleprompter Premium