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Single Weather-Radar & Weather Forecast alternatives

Cloud Map

Quickly check any of the 120 NOAA weather station satellite images for visible cloud cover. If you travel, you can use the GPS feature to find the nearest weather station image. Upgrade to Pro version and get 12 more satellite views and no ads.

  • size 27.7 MB

Weather iRocks

The Weather Forecast - Radar & Alerts: the weather forecast becomes self-sufficient and fascinating information which is interesting for finding and sending to friends. Fine weather or bad weather, it will recover in a magic way on the screen of your iOS device. - Transmission of weather conditions (a rain, snow, fog, a heat) by means of pictures with effects of animation - Detailed data on weather and forecasts - Interactive radar satellite maps, temperature maps and cards of wind, time of sunrise and sunsetDETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT WEATHER: - 7 Day Weather Forecast- Feels like temperature- Todays maximum and minimum temperature - Wind direction- Wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knots or Beauforts points - Information on humidity and precipitations- Atmospheric pressure and highway visibility- Sunrise/sunset - Moonrise /moonset- Pressure in mm Hg, Torr, bar, pa, psi- F to C and miles to Km conversion - 12 or 24-hour time format

  • rating 3.90909
  • size 183 MB

Quakes - Earthquake Notifications

Want to see the latest earthquakes?Download this app to visualize and get notified of earthquakes. Browse the seismograph chart, map, or list to see when and where earthquakes have occurred. Earthquake data is retrieved from http://earthquake.govNote: Push notifications may not be sent for all earthquakes, and they arrive after earthquakes occur.

  • size 1.8 MB


Valley Air Quality InformationFEATURES:- Current AIr Quality- Air Quality Forecast- Take Action- Protect YourselfApple is not a sponsor of, nor involved in any way with Valley Air.

  • size 28.1 MB

Big Weather Forecast

See the Weather Live - on a BIG, SIMPLE, and EASY TO READ display. See the temperature, humidity and air pressure for exactly where YOU are right now. Download it for free now We love getting your constructive feedback - thank you for your great ratings and reviews :)

  • size 8.3 MB