See how much you are earning from one second up to 50 years. Check how much you need to put aside from each paycheck in order to get that sweet new ride for your birthday. The app factors in how often you get your paychecks and will display the amount you need to save from each paycheck in order to save your desired amount.- See how long it will take you to earn a million dollars.- See how high a stack of pennies would be of your salary amount.- See how saving only a small percentage of every paycheck can really add up over the long haul.

Salary Calculator Pro alternatives


WageCalc is a Wage/Salary Calculator for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, that calculates your pay per hour and pay per year, depending on your pay frequency. Supported pay frequencies:YearlyMonthlySemimonthlyBiweeklyWeeklyHourlySet the number of hours you work a day, the number of days you work a week, and the number of work weeks a year If you have any ideas for new features, let us know via our website or @TFWorld

  • size 21.3 MB

Easy Calx: Discounts, Tips, Loans & Paycheck

Easy Calx is the ultimate multi-purpose calculator, which allows users to calculate discounts, tips, loan payments, and even your paycheck after taxes. A great way to save time, help you budget your expenses, and eliminate the need to use multiple apps With a very clean and simple user interface, the simple and easy to use format, and the awesome functionality, it doesnt get better than this for a calculator

  • size 12.7 MB

Payday CalculatorDLT

Dont wait till friday to see how much youll get paid, Calculate your paycheck today Payday Calculator was designed by retail employees for retail employees. Payday Calculator allows you to enter in your weekly, biweekly, or monthly hours and receive an estimate of your total income after taxes Payday uses the 2014 Federal Income Tax brackets, the current medicare and social security rates and an algorithm that ties it all together to bring you, your estimated payday.

  • size 0.5 MB

Salary Tax Calculator

With Salary Tax Calculator you can find out the approximate amount of taxes from your salary that you have to pay in different states of USA.You only need to enter the amount of your salary for any period (year / month / week), indicate your marital status, and select a state. All other calculation will make the application. 4) As the result you will get a clear estimation your taxes for the three periods (year / month / week).

  • size 12.3 MB