Application officielle du rseau de bus de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Dcouvrez lapplication officielle du rseau SQYBUS, optimisez vos dplacements et maitrisez votre temps. Utilisateur rgulier ou occasionnel du rseau SQYBUS, grce ses fonctionnalits, cette application facilitera vos dplacements en bus. Consultez les horaires en temps rel des prochains passages des bus Trouvez le meilleur parcours vers votre destination grce notre recherche ditinraires Personnalisez votre page daccueil pour consulter en un clic vos horaires ou arrts favoris Golocalisez autour de vous les arrts les plus proches Nhsitez pas nous transmettre vos remarques, nous restons votre coute.

SQYBUS alternatives


LeCab the leading private driver service (VTC) allows you to travel simply in Paris, its region and in 20 towns and cites . This premium VTC service provides you with a dedicated driver starting at 8 euros - you will soon forget about traditional taxis. Download the app and join the club Help: 12 rue Mdric, 75017 Paris

  • size 76.9 MB

MetroMap Paris - Subway, RER, train maps

The simplest metro map to use on your iPhone / iPad with over 200,000 users Instant loading of maps, offline navigation and station research. Paris Edition with officially-licensed High-Definition RATP maps- Browse the official subway and local train maps- Switch easily between subway and train maps- Search for a station by name- Zoom easily with the pinch-to-zoom feature- Supports multi-task: close and reopen the app without loading- Instant map loading and high quality images- No internet connection requiredAlready available in numerous large cities around the world, for bus, tram, metro and train networks.

  • size 32.2 MB