A relaxation technique is a method that helps a person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; or otherwise reduce levels of anxiety, stress or anger. Relaxation techniques are often employed as one element of a wider stress management program and can decrease muscle tension, lower the blood pressure and slow heart and breath rates, among other health benefits. You wil find the options in configuration.

Relaxation Techniques - Calm your mind alternatives

La Promesa de Dios para ti

El hombre debe conocer que Dios le ama, que El es fiel a Su Palabra y que desea establecer una relacin ntima con la humanidad, que fue creada a Su imagen y semejanza. *CARACTERSTICAS*- Interfaz intuitiva y fcil de usar.- Nuevo men deslizante.- Rediseo para facilitar el acceso a las categoras.- Actualizacin en tiempo real de nuevo contenido.- Creacin de la categora Nuevos para albergar el contenido recientemente actualizado.- Comparte tus frases favoritas con tus amigos a travs de Twitter, Facebook, mail y SMS.

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  • size 14.3 MB

Stress Management - Relaxation Techniques & Advice

What has happened in the past thirty years that has caused us to become such a nation of stressed out individuals? Is society expecting too much from us or are we expecting too much from ourselves? NO APPLE PRODUCTS ARE BEING USED AS PRIZES.

  • size 58.9 MB

Know Yourself

* Almost 200,000 people have already downloaded this app. Get it now too *Did you know that people are born with and develop during their lifetime certain preferred ways of thinking and acting? Answer this questions and see

  • size 24.0 MB

Motivational quotes to think positive

Free collection of great motivational phrases in Spanish, to lift the spirits and share with your loved ones. Positive thoughts and insights that will help you have more hope, faith and love in all the different situations that arise in life. If you want to, you can buy ad-free version.

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  • size 25.1 MB

Meditation by Mindifi

Celebrating over 4,000,000 Mindifi listeners world wide We are thrilled to introduce Meditation as the newest in our series of hypnosis apps. Mindifi has created an approach to developing meditation skills using hypnosis, NLP, guided imagery, and several types of meditation and relaxation. Audios in this app include:Beginning Meditation1) Meditation I2) Meditation II3) Meditation III4) Meditation IV5) Meditation V6) Five Minute Power Meditation7) Post-Meditation Mood Booster8) Finding Your Focus9) Transitional Meditation I10) Your Personal Temple11) The Center Pillar12) Mindful Meditation Advanced Meditation: 13) Breath Control14) Meditation VI: Breath Control and Meditation15) Kundalini Energy16) Meditation VII: Kundalini Energy and Meditation17) Chakra Opening18) Objective Observing19) Compassionate Meditation20) Transitional Meditation IIOpen Music Meditations: 21) Open Music Meditation I 22) Open Music Meditation II23) Open Music Meditation III24) Open Music Meditation IV25) Open Music Meditation Vmindifi.com

  • rating 4.8
  • size 83.6 MB