A quick utility to help you find the nearest post box and time of last collection. Simply use your current location or enter your postcode, town, city or tap and hold to drop an annotation/pin on the map. Please follow the support link.

Postbox UK - find the nearest post box alternatives

UK Map

* Detailed street-level mapping of England, Scotland and Wales using Ordnance Survey data. * 3D mode ideal for mountains. Please visit the website for more information - http://ukmapapp.com/

  • size 339 MB

Outdoors GB - Offline OS Maps

Includes a free download of all 15 GB National Parks, normally 9.99 (Ordnance Survey 1:50k). Extremely easy to use and looks great. Terms of Use: http://outdoorsgps.com/termsPrivacy Policy: http://outdoorsgps.com/privacy

  • size 114 MB

The MapFinder

The MapFinder app will remain for customers to use and access their purchased map tiles but unfortunately will no longer be updated with new features and content. For the latest and most up to date app from Ordnance survey search for OS Maps. Please get in contact with us via Twitter @OSLeisure, by phone on 03454 56 04 20or via email at [email protected].

  • size 348 MB